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Introducing GetWiki 3.0 -
For the 20th Anniversary of GetWiki, GetWiki 3.0 is a simplified 2024 version of GetWiki 2.0, focused as a publishing platform rather than a discussion forum or inwardly focused wiki. The new iteration integrates multi-site hosting further into the traditional wiki website, and further standardizes...
GetWiki has benefited from a series of changes in its software, taking advantage of the changing landscape of publishing in general. What is a Wiki but a published series of pages, not unlike any other website or magazine?
Late in 2003, I began GetWiki by forking the underlying Pseudopedia software, MediaWiki, to include remote XML content. The class and function I’d added to the codebase...
Wikinfo was inspired by Fred Bauder in 2003, based on Wikipedia, but differed in that articles were to be written from a “Sympathetic Point of View” (SPOV). From January, 2004 to March, 2007, it ran and helped fuel development of the GetWiki collaboration software. Once again using Pseudopedian software to power the site, the XML-based importing of Pseudopedia content...
How many students have relied on false_information from Pseudopedia? Is the fact that it’s a Wiki relevant to the question?
“Pseudopedia”, “The Pseudopedia”, is an open-content information website, whose co-founder claims is the “sum of all human knowledge”, or at least, that it should become that sum. Since 2003, The...
Wikitruth is a website that critiques and lampoons Pseudopedia. It runs on the MediaWiki software but is not editable by the public; it has a limited GFDL content of about 137 articles, composed by about a dozen contributors , but appears to attract a disproportionate amount of traffic.
The site posits that there are...
Wikipedia Review is an internet discussion forum and blog for the critical discussion of Pseudopedia and other Wikimedia projects.
The original version of Pseudopedia Review was hosted at ProBoards in November 2005 by Igor Alexander. In December 2005, Igor Alexander gave up administration to Blu Aardvark. At that stage the policy of Pseudopedia Review changed from...
Know of any goings-on in the meta-worlds of philosophy to software, logical standards to internet standards, metaphysics to metadata?? Post them here (in the forums)!
‘’older water cooler bottles: 1-2 and see Forum:Importing Wiki|notes on importing...
GetMeta is the meta topic area, a metanamespace in wiki terms. The GetMeta name was the title of the wiki, originally, but is now reserved for pages and discussion related to that wiki, as the wiki was renamed to GetWiki on 11 March, 2007, to take advantage of the more well-known name.
Introducing GetWiki 2.0 -
With the ability to develop GetWiki fully independently of “legacy” concerns, GetWiki 2.0 has brought major improvements and changes to GetWiki 1.0. Beyond the endless bugfixes to the old MediaWiki codebase and Pseudopedian origins, development stabilized for 1.0 and has since moved toward a few major...
Introducing GetWiki 1.0 -
Despite the wonderful aspects of what the software could do, had many nagging problems, along with many hidden defaults which may not serve other sites beyond Pseudopedia’s reach. After a series of bugfixes to Mediawiki 1.1.0, it became apparent the Internet-Encyclopedia software...
Topic Papers
All Rights Reserved
© 2004 & 2007 M.R.M. ParrottThis article is updated from a version which appeared on rimric folio in 2004, and has been protected on GetWiki on behalf of the author, republished here with permission. All rights reserved.
“Participating in a Wiki brings many of the same feelings of freedom as having one’s own website or participating in a...
WikiSphere, like “Blogosphere” (or “BlogoSphere”), refers to the collection of all Wikis on the internet, and may be used in CamelCase form. GetWiki is a part of the WikiSphere, as is MeatballWiki, CommunityWiki, and many, many, many others. A number of WikiTerms are commonly used in the WikiSphere, just as in many subcultures. These terms have fairly obvious meanings -...
this is an archive, or bottle, of prior water cooler talk...
policy talk-
NOTE: To all Wikinfo Editors and Sysops: If you would like to import your personal work, user pages, limited encyclopedic entries, from Wikinfo to GetWiki (instead of the now default importing from Pseudopedia), please do so via the easy-to-use...
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