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GetWiki was first developed by M.R.M. Parrott early in 2004 to “get wiki” content from site to site. At the time, MediaWiki appeared to be a more intuitive and user-friendly application than other Wiki-engines, full of features, actively tested and improved by dedicated developers from around the world. However, this does not...
Introducing GetWiki 3.0 -
For the 20th Anniversary of GetWiki, GetWiki 3.0 is a simplified 2024 version of GetWiki 2.0, focused as a publishing platform rather than a discussion forum or inwardly focused wiki. The new iteration integrates multi-site hosting further into the traditional wiki website, and further standardizes...
Introducing GetWiki 2.0 -
With the ability to develop GetWiki fully independently of “legacy” concerns, GetWiki 2.0 has brought major improvements and changes to GetWiki 1.0. Beyond the endless bugfixes to the old MediaWiki codebase and Pseudopedian origins, development stabilized for 1.0 and has since moved toward a few major...
An “operating system” consists of many utilities, along with a master control program, called the “kernel”. The kernel provides services to start and stop programs, handle the file system and other “low level” tasks most programs on your computer share. Perhaps most importantly, the kernels also schedule access to hardware,...
SOHOdb (related to GetWiki) is a cross-platform, enterprise-class database management application designed for simplicity in the “small office, home office” environment, but not limited to small business. SOHOdb includes integrated modules for customers, contacts, suppliers, employees, invoices, products, purchases,...
Introducing GetWiki 1.0 -
Despite the wonderful aspects of what the software could do, had many nagging problems, along with many hidden defaults which may not serve other sites beyond Pseudopedia’s reach. After a series of bugfixes to Mediawiki 1.1.0, it became apparent the Internet-Encyclopedia software...
MySQL (pronounced which has, according to MySQL AB, more than 10 million installations.
MySQL is owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, which holds the copyright to most of the codebase. This is similar to the JBoss model and how the Free Software Foundation handles copyright in its projects, and dissimilar to how the Apache...
The Apache HTTP Server is an open source HTTP web server for Unix platforms (BSDi, Linux, and Mac OS X systems), Microsoft Windows, and other platforms. The author claims the name was initially chosen as a catchy name in order to be original, but the most widespread interpretation (which almost immediately surfaced) is that the name comes from the fact that...