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Mark Ray Martin Parrott (born 12 Oct 1966) is an American philosopher, writer, musician, photographer, designer, and programmer, known for his early adoption of independent, small press Publishing, and as developer of GetWiki, a wiki/blog website focusing on Philosophy and other subjects. M.R.M...
Wikinfo was inspired by Fred Bauder in 2003, based on Wikipedia, but differed in that articles were to be written from a “Sympathetic Point of View” (SPOV). From January, 2004 to March, 2007, it ran and helped fuel development of the GetWiki collaboration software. Once again using Pseudopedian software to power the site, the XML-based importing of Pseudopedia content...
Topic Papers
Philosophy in the 21st Century is reacting to two major forces affecting its way of life. The first, a dismantling or destructive force, comes primarily from Academia, while the second, a rebuilding or constructive force, comes mainly from the diversity of voices and media through which...
SOHOdb (related to GetWiki) is a cross-platform, enterprise-class database management application designed for simplicity in the “small office, home office” environment, but not limited to small business. SOHOdb includes integrated modules for customers, contacts, suppliers, employees, invoices, products, purchases,...
Inquiry is any proceeding or process that has the aim of augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or solving a problem. A theory of inquiry is an account of the various types of inquiry and a treatment of the ways that each type of inquiry achieves its aim.
Classical sources-
When three terms are so related to one another that the last is wholly contained in the middle and the middle...
Positive Point of View (PPOV) is used on GetWiki’s information/encyclopedic “primer” pages to present a subject or concept from a the perspective of a proponent, a favourable, affirmative light, but also equally encourages critical perspectives to be presented. Criticism of that same subject or concept can be placed in sections within the same ariticle, or on a separate, well-linked...
Freshmeat ( is a website that allows programmers of POSIX tools and their users to find each other.
Programmers register their projects and inform the site about updates; users browse for software and download and (sometimes) rate or comment on the software. Software is categorized by field of application, license, development status, environment,...
meta is: about, regarding, even other. metadata is disussion about data, metaphysics discussion about physics, metatheory discussion about theory. this , meta, is a prefix which can be used in a thousand ways on a thousand subjects. it is metamorphosis, metamemory, metacognition, metaethics, metalogic, metamathematics,...
presentations and discussion
general cultural articles
general mathematical articles
general philosophical articles
general scientific articles
general technology articles